

Here’s a neat article for everyone to read. The gist of it?
Injecting Quercetin (one of my favorite plant compounds, which is completely nontoxic and even recommended for general health) into the backs of PKD mice twice a day made the cysts grow at a much slower rate.

For anyone interested, an oral human dose that led to the optimal result there would be around 75mg/kg over the day, consumed with fatty food. So for me (65 kg) thats 10x500mg capsules of pure quercetin divided over 2-3 meals. A standard human dose might be 1-2 capsules. You decide. Anyone interested? 🙂



For those of us who already have to watch their phosphorous intake, as is the case with impaired kidney function, I thought it was a great idea to come up with this list for you. There are plenty of lists out there about the phosphorous content of foods, but they are very uninteresting, since they dont compare foods based on their nutritional value. Thats why I came up with this one, considering protein in this case.

For example, it is true that a serving of cooked lentils might have a lower phosphorous content than a serving of salmon. However, once you increase the portion size of the lentils to match the protein content of the salmon- the salmon actually is lower in phosphorous per gram of protein that you get from it. One of the reasons I don’t recommend a vegetarian/vegan diet. This is important because especially in later stages of kidney disease we have to make sure we get adequate protein daily. Another way to put it: This graph shows how much phosphorous you would be getting, if you were to eat enough of a food to get 100g of protein from it. For lentils that would equal 1.1kg of lentils, for beef its about a pound.

Calculate your needs: 0.6-1.2 g protein per day per lean pound of body weight. So for a 70kg human with 15% body fat that would be 79-158g of protein per day. Lower end on low-activity days, higher end on workout days and the day after. Use a nutritional calculator like cronometer to find out how much of any particular food you have to eat to reach your desired protein target. Use this graph for an overview of the phosphate content of the options. Meats are all similarly low in phosphorous content and grass-fed beef or lamb would be the healthiest option among these.Cooking can reduce it further.

Here are the cronometer settings you can use:

An easy low phosphorous post-workout or meal replacement option could be an organic flavored grass fed whey protein combined with collagen or eggwhite protein powder (pasteurized) in equal parts. The whey is raw and therefore very bioavailable. The eggwhite is slightly cooked and less bioavailable. Its still a great anabolic protein, much better from an amino acid standpoint than plant proteins- and its low phosphate content is a good reason to incorporate it in later stages. Collagen (much like gelatin) is more of an add-on because its amino acid content does not make it anabolic (anabolic = triggering mtor, muscle building).

While canned beans and lentils might seem like a great choice here, there are some problems with this. First, their amino acid ratios are not optimal for humans, so they have to be combined with other plant proteins for optimum assimilation. They are also high in carbs. So they can only be eaten on carb days. if you want to add them and want convenience, buy EDEN brand, they soak and pressure cook their beans and lentils. other brands have to be pressure cooked in your kitchen! If you are going to buy another brand, choose bpa-free lined cans, and pressure cook when preparing them. the best budget option for beans/lentils is buying organic dried beans/lentils and soaking them for 96 hours before pressure cooking them.

Shopping Links:

EDEN Canned Lentils
EDEN Canned Beans

RECIPE: Bulletproof Approved Coconut Flour Bread

Makes 1 loaf of bread or 6-8 rolls.

6 organic pasture raised eggs
100ml extra virgin olive oil or 120g grass fed butter
80ml coconut milk from a carton, no additives except xanthan or guar gum.
100g organic coconut flour
75g organic flax seeds, whole
15g baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
100g organic nuts from the green zone, crushed (optional, for mouth feel)
(walnuts, macadamias, almonds, pecans, chestnuts, hazelnuts)

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Mix the eggs, the oil or butter and the coconut milk. Then add the remaining ingredients. Mix until everything is well incorporated. Place the dough in a box mold lined with baking paper and sprinkle with other grains as desired. Then bake for 40-50 minutes. Alternatively, briefly chill the dough and then shape into 6-8 balls of the same size, place on a baking sheet and sprinkle with nuts as desired. Then bake for about 35 minutes. Allow the bread or rolls to cool completely before slicing.

Download PDF: Bulletproof Approved Coconut Flour Bread

Zystennieren, Kaffee und 12 Mechanismen

03 – 12 Mechanisms

Hello Friends! Today I’m going to share some research with you in my new infographic. These are 12 mechanisms of PKD that scientists have already learnt to influence in a positive way. And I am showing you how you can do it at home in these posts. We don’t use medication, we use the power of real food in a new, scientific way.

You can see all the fancy names in the infographic, but you don’t have to know them. You just need to know what to do! Mechanism of the Day: mTOR. We already saw yesterday that mTOR can be inhibited by bulletproof intermittent fasting and protein fasting. But that is not all! Other things you can consider are:

– lab-tested toxin-free Coffee. Currently Made by 2 brands. “Bulletproof Coffee” and “Flowgrade Coffee”. (if your neph says it is a bad idea, show them the 2 studies linked below.) Here is how to make it, perfect for bulletproof intermittent fasting:

– High intensity interval training (which is the most time-efficient form of sports) at the end of your fasting window right before lunch
High Absorption Curcumin (Not the standard stuff you find at most grocery stores)
– Quercetin 500mg twice daily
– Fucoidin (3-6g daily in the mornings)

If you would combine ALL of these, that would make for a pretty effective inhibition of mTOR. But even doing only some of these might be enough for you to change how your cysts grow. There is only one way to find out: try it for yourself. All of this will work much better if you have built your House of Health with a great diet, for this, look into POST #02. Now it is YOUR turn to tell ME: Did I explain it enough? What information do you need next? Will you incorporate these methods into your life? Will you change your diet? comment below. 🙂 Heal well you all 🙂

(c) infographic No1: Felix Müller



So, this is new. Deterium is a heavy Isotope of water, also called heavy water. In excess, it destroys our mitochondria, kind of like throwing a brick into a washing machine. (Ever saw that video? :-D) Its just too heavy. Deuterium occurs naturally in all water. The deuterium content of our oceans has increased from ~135 ppm to ~155 ppm in the last 10.000 years. Depleting one’s body of deuterium by eating a high – fat diet like bulletproof and adding to that a drink of deuterium depleted water, has resulted in some very good recovery of cancers. (remember, PKD is VERY similar to cancer in most ways) And since we are not adding some new supplement, but taking something out that shouldn’t even be there, I am very interested. So for everyone who wants to do a deep dive into the topic, here is a detailed podcast about it.

How does FAT help us make DDW? Like a camel, we can use fat: “When fat is metabolised to release energy, the carbon and hydrogen atoms combine with oxygen to form CO2 and water. Fat is a mixture of hydrocarbons. Each gram of fat broken down in this way releases just over a gram of water.” – Luis Villazon The hydrogens we get from good fats are already Deuterium depleted, since the plants do it for us.

Some more resources and papers can be found here:

What I personally do now is ordering DDW (Deuterium Depleted Water) at 10-25 ppm online and diluting that with 2 parts of filtered water or spring water. I then drink only this water for about 2 months per year. I might do the test thats offered on afterwards. The goal is to get ones own body below 130 ppm.

Brands for DDW: Qlarivia, Preventa

08 – Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally

Keeping your blood pressure low is essential. this one the docs got right. As you may know, a high percentage of the world population nowadays has high blood pressure, with all sorts of reasons related to lifestyle, not PKD. That said, what are the reasons for most of us, if it is not PKD?

There are lots of reasons, mostly metabolic syndrome caused by a bad diet- so rest assured, fixing your diet and going bulletproof is a huge step in the right direction. When you have your diet in check, you should get your minerals in check next. whats that? potassium, calcium, magnesium are the most important for blood pressure.

The RDA for magnesium is 400mg daily. And that is for healthy people to stay healthy, not for sick people to get better. On top of that, most of us are getting nowhere near that. The result? One of the results can be high blood pressure. Mineral testing in the blood is not reliable, because your body will pull everything out of your bones when it needs more. Needless to say, thats bad news for your bones. So what’s the best supplement regimen? It depends on you. Experiment with the dosage.

Start with 400mg of magnesium malate in the morning and evening.

also make sure you are getting adequate potassium to match. Three times that (2400mg in this example) potassium total from food and supplements (possible potassium-aspartate or potassium citrate) would be sensible. Check how much you are getting from foods in cronometer. Since potassium is added in industrial fertilizer, this is the one mineral we still get plenty of from food.

These values are for capsules. if you opt for the cheaper bulk powders, you have to take into account the percentage of mineral in the powder. Look at the box. For example 5 grams of potassium aspartate contain 860mg of potassium. Take potassium divided over the day so you dont overburden your stomach or kidneys. Powders dissolved in liquid are best. If you take capsules, take in the middle of meals.

So you got your minerals in check. Your blood pressure might already drop several points so keep an eye on the meds, if taking. Next one is Omega 3 fatty acids. You can get a blood test to see what is your omega 6 to omega 3 ratio from full blood, or if you cannot get it, from serum. Ideal would be 4:1 (with 4 parts O6) up to 1:1 But in general, if you don’t eat fatty, wild caught fish 3-4 times a week, you should supplement fish oil. Life extension is a pretty trustworthy brand, but do your own research. One website that lists independent lab tests of different brands is

Dosage varies for everyone of us. Look at the EPA and DHA content of your softgels. 900mg of EPA+DHA/day is recommended for coronary heart disease. I would go much higher even. I personally take 2000-3000mg of combined EPA+DHA per day. Check your bottle.

See how you feel. Experiment. Your blood pressure might come down even lower. and lastly… Remember POST#06 and Niacinamide? Well, it turns out that Niacinamide is not only good for inhibiting SIRT1, but it also may lower your blood pressure. Consider taking it if you are in a later stage of PKD.

If you dont want to take Niacinamide, use regular niacin. For the dosing, Niacin is extremely safe and while at the start you might flush like crazy, this is healthy and good for you. is a great start.

Did your doc tell you to limit salt because they thought it might raise your blood pressure? Well if it does, you might enjoy this short clip from Chris Masterjohn, explaining why some people are salt-sensitive. (Hint: Potassium deficiency!)

Well, if you do these things well, you might just have optimal blood pressure with no drugs. Let me know how it works out for you! Heal well!

UPDATE: There is a new kid on the block that you should try if these methods haven’t brought your blood pressure down enough. There might be a pathogen component to this, and you can kill that off with colloidal silver. We aren’t quite sure why it works, but some have seen incredible results with it. Read more


Just finished my annual Kidney checkup! GFR at 121, CRP at 0.3 and kidney size “probably smaller” – ultrasound is very hard to pinpoint. Could be that its 5mm shorter than last year, BUT margin of error is around 5mm so… lets just stick with my last MRI results which were 7% reduction in kidney volume compared to 2014.

Also: New MRI coming up in late 2020! So anyone still on the fence about following my recommendations, take this as your invitation. You will find details about what I am doing starting from article 1 on this site.

09 – Mayo Clinic Research Results on Caloric Restriction

Hey guys, it’s been a while since my last post, and I hope you have had some time to contemplate all the information I gave in the last 7 posts. I know it’s a LOT of actionable advise- but I hope you have the courage to try this stuff out. You can really turn things around, if you ask me. If you haven’t seen it, watch this video. BUT: WAIT Before you go ahead and starve yourself a little everyday like you might think you should…
I contacted the researchers already and told them I think protein restriction is the key in their results.

Also, since our bodies NEED sufficient proteindoing protein fasting for one day per week + bulletproof intermittent fasting (almost) daily seems to be a much better idea than restricting yourself every day for 24h.

So all the more confirmation for what I am proposing. 


Only every 2nd PKD mutation causes cysts?

While I was still out working on my diploma, I couldn’t help but notice this study. I had been waiting for a study like this to be done. And its exactly what I predicted. Theres about 9.3 people with the PKD mutation per 10.000 if you go by genome sequencing.

That is almost double the estimate previously based on symptoms (like cysts, renal failure, etc). I am going to go out on a limb here and say that probably 4 out of every 10.000 people have the mutation, but dont have the disease… Which can only mean one thing: Its all about what you do. Your fate is not set in stone. Lifestyle factors can make or break someone with PKD. So what does this mean? It means if you are having PKD symptoms and they have not improved, you have to change what you are DOING. Try following my recommendations- or find your own way.

But you have to CHANGE. Courage be with you.
You can do it. Be strong. Be healthy. Heal Well!


I was made aware by my friend Ryan that he had seen good success lowering his blood pressure by using colloidal silver. We have now successfully replicated his results using our own homemade colloidal silver solution. A ten to fifteen point drop in both numbers – which in many cases is equal to what blood pressure medications might do, only that it might actually do something for the cause of the problem, which I suspect might have a bacterial component to it. There is still a lot more research to be done but this looks very promising and we will start testing this some more.

Here is an article providing some unbiased information on colloidal silver.

you can make this at home, there are several youtube videos on the topic out there. You want non-ionic colloidal silver. The important point being: do not use concentrations higher than 15 PPM. Ryan uses a teaspoon of 10 PPM and keeps it under his tongue for a minute or so before swallowing the rest.

We have tried this with my dad and after keeping at it for a couple of days the effects seem to last longer and might be at least partially permanent. It seems like a great strategy to get off blood pressure lowering medication.