
10 – Oxaloacetate for Autophagy and AMPK Activation

Hey Guys and Gals. There is a new supplement on the block, and it might just help with keeping our kidneys from growing too much. It is called “Oxaloacetate” and there are several products on the market, that contain it. It is part of the Krebs-Cycle, if you are interested in the details.

The main reason I suspect it will help keep cyst growth at bay, is because it mimics the effects of calorie restriction, and therefore promotes Autophagy (digesting damaged tissue/cysts!) and activates AMPK. Both of these pathways are associated with the inhibition of cyst growth in several studies I have read. Below is a talk on Oxaloacetate by one of the Scientists involved with the production of the supplements.

Oh, by the way, it also enhances cognition, improves blood glucose levels and increases lifespan in mice. 😉 I personally have ordered “Natural Dynamix, Endure DX” which contains 250mg of oxaloacetate per capsule, and will take half a capsule with some vitamin c every day. I ordered at iherb- because they ship worldwide for extremely low cost. This way it comes out to around 25 USD per month, which I can manage. 🙂 Let me know what you guys think about this stuff and make sure to listen to the professionals (as linked below) 🙂 Heal well!


Now here’s some hot news for all of us. Turns out consuming MCT oil (like one would in their daily bulletproof coffee, or drizzled on meals) dampens the effect of endotoxin on the body. What does this mean for us? It means that if I am correct in assuming that endotoxin is directly triggering cyst growth, regular consumption of MCT oil should reduce endotoxin, or at least its inflammatory effects (which are mediated through triggering TNFalpha).

And this, in turn, would be yet another powerful way to reduce cyst growth for us PKD patients. I am consuming MCT oil daily since day 1 and now there is another impactful reason to keep on doing it. Easiest way to do it? Start drinking bulletproof coffee tomorrowwhile doing a 16/8 intermittent fasting regimen. Yes, you drink it in the 16 hours you’re fasting. And no, you cant skimp on the beans or butter. Butter needs to be grass-fed, beans need to be tested mold-free, MCT oil needs to be at least 70% C8 and preferably from a glass bottle. Recipe? See me make it on YouTube.


06 – Autophagy For Recycling Your Damaged Cells

Good morning to you all! Today it’s all about recycling.

WHAT? Our PKD mechanisms of the day are Ca2+ AND Autophagy! I chose to tell you about both because they are triggered at the same time. In PKD, both Ca2+ (Intracellular Calcium) Content of your Cells, and Autophagy (recycling of damaged cells) is reduced. These are among the major factors in growing cysts.

Today I am going to sum up the three things anyone can do to increase them, and thereby possibly reduce their cyst growth. – Protein fasting. You guessed it. Protein fasting is so damn good for you if you do it right and do it once a week. There are many other positive aspects like anti-aging- it is just good for you. If you want to recycle those damaged cells (like cysts) like a boss, you have to do it right. look at for more details on this, but the basics is this: eat less than 15grams of protein on that day. Eat safe carbs and fats, all from the bulletproof roadmap. And don’t be fooled. You can easily get 15g of protein by eating even rice and broccoli!

Plan your meal for the day in cronometer and see if you can stay below 15g. and don’t forget to meet your calorie needs. Good ideas are sweet potatoes, avocados, butter, etc. – Intermittent fasting. Yep. this one again. You really should be doing this every day 4-6 days a week. I do it 7 days a week mostly. When your body gets no protein whatsoever, it starts scavenging for damaged cells around your body to eat. And we with PKD have lots of those! so eat away, little protein-scavenging molecules. As outlined in POST#01

Keep 16-18 hours between dinner and lunch, have only bulletproof coffee for breakfast. – Ketosis When you are eating the bulletproof diet, you can be in ketosis. This is your body’s mode of running on ketones (little fat molecules) instead of glucose. It has numerous health benefits, and while you shouldn’t do it every day, you should do it for most of the week, if you have no specific contraindications. (talk to your nutritionist, as always 😉 ). How do you get into ketosis? eat 70% of your calories from fat (this sounds more difficult than it is, because fat has double the calories per gram. it is easy.) – and eat no carbohydrates. The MCT oil from bulletproof coffee helps with this. use it every day.

Ketosis is uniquely powerful in getting that calcium back into your cells (presuming you have enough. consume your daily calcium needs. check on cronometer! Supplement with calcium gluconate if needed.) – and it also gets Autophagy going! Only doing these three things got my cysts shrinking. You might to have to do some more stuff, because everyone is different, but it sure will improve your situation in many ways. Good luck to you all and heal well! 🙂


A 2016 study found that Cysts grow in response to glucose, but at a much faster rate than healthy tissue. Just like a tumor. Blocking the Glucose with medication slowed progression. This is why the Bulletproof Diet works. You don’t use lots of glucose anymore. You use ketones.And you get healthy in the process. If this does not convince you, nothing will. It’s called the “Warburg Effect” and PKD people suffer from it. Switch to a Ketogenic diet like the Bulletproof diet and you will most probably dramatically improve your Kidney health, just like me and many others. Don’t wait. Do it. Now. Start today. Get some Kerrygold butter.

Inhibition of Aerobic Glycolysis Attenuates Disease Progression in Polycystic Kidney Disease




My name is Felix. I’m a biohacker. I read research and test out what works for me. Good news! My cysts have been shrinking since 2014, I’m down 7% in kidney volume and counting. Kidney function is up 40%. So finally I decided to share what I did differently, so others may benefit. I will try to make everything as clear as possible. Some things may at first seem counter-intuitive, but bear with me on this. I do have the science and the results to show for it: my largest kidney is now smaller than it was 10 years ago. If you want to understand what I did – Read all of the posts in their right order to really get informed on the matter. Start with this post. It is important that we get as many people as possible informed and educated on this matter so that they can do the best for their health. If you know someone that could benefit from this information, please send them the link to this page.

So how can we know if a certain lifestyle change will shrink your cysts? Your doctor would surely know about it, yes? Well, not so fast. Let’s think about how he would know. Almost no clinical trials have been done on any specific nutrition changes over the long-term in PKD. Why? It’s close to impossible because most people don’t want to change, and runtimes that long are very expensive. But people have been eating food forever so there must be enough data to know whats best for PKD right? Well, where would that data come from? Let’s do the math. 40% of people are connected to the internet worldwide. That’s 2.8 billion people. Of those 2.8 billion approximately 1 million have PKD. Now, how many of those have ever permanently changed their lifestyle and eating habits? Hard to know for sure. But a hint could be that only about 8% of people stick to their new year’s resolutions. So if we now take that as a basis, lets assume about 10% of those PKD people have ever changed their lifestyle and stuck with it so they could evaluate if it made favorable changes to cyst formation after a couple of years. Thats 100.000 People worldwide that have internet access, PKD and ever tried to change their lifestyle. It’s quite difficult to connect all those people, since even facebook has only been around for the past 10 years. Now these people might have tried all sorts of different diets, which might have had an impact, or not- but would they even have noticed? Would they have gotten regular ultrasounds to check their progress? Surely not all of them. And even though this is so unlikely – I have actually found the one story that was written about PKD and a ketogenic diet that worked. It was mentioned as a side note in an article on about little Kailey from Philadelphia. Quote: “Kailey’s last MRI in December showed that the 2 largest cysts have decreased in size” So, did your doctor know? 😉

So, Felix, you say, what about all those people that have been eating according to a particular lifestyle for all their lives? They get PKD, too, dont they? Well, how do you know? Again, there is close to no data. It is possible that some kids out there raised on the perfect diet have PKD, but never get cysts so it is never discovered… think about that. This is why we have to be our own guinea pigs. Pick something you want to try. A vitamin. A lifestyle change. The Bulletproof Diet. Pick something you think might have an impact on your disease and stick to it. Because you can be damn sure that almost nothing has been extensively tried and tested for PKD. It is a rare disease. There is astonishingly little research out there considering lifestyle at ALL.

So dont be fooled by your doctor telling you there is nothing you can do. He doesn’t have a clue. How could he. There is no data on lifestyle.

If WE don’t do it- no one will. WE are the ones that will cure this disease. WE will try and see what works. WE will tell the others about it. So go ahead. Make the change. Measure YOUR progress. Make notes. Find the cure. Where to start?

Read all about the different things I have tried in the next post.


11 – HDACs and TNF-alpha

Hey Kidney friends. Today I’m gonna dive straight into the science. The next things we can do to stack the PKD cards in our favor is to block 2 things that are called “HDACs” and “TNF-alpha”. HDAC stands for Histone-Deacetylase, that’s an enzyme and its primary job is to regulate gene expression. Yes- thats a good thing.

Because PKD is a genetic condition. This might be interesting, right? So in animal models inhibition of several HDACs resulted in a betterment of the condition. Well, surely they used some ungodly chemicals to achieve these results? Yes, they did. But why? Because chemicals can be patented- and Butter and veggies can not. That’s right. Butyric acid, which is formed in your gut when you consume lots of nonstarchy vegetables or Apple Cider Vinegar- and is even 3-4% of grassfed butter- is a well-known HDAC inhibitor. Another reason to eat your veggies.

And eat them with some Butter, too! But: don’t expect cooked butter to give you a lot of benefits. Instead let it melt on top of your steak & vegetables to enjoy all the benefits, as well as the great taste. Mmmh. Kerrygold or Anker are the most prominent brands of grass-fed butter. Grass-fed is mandatory. And once you are on that high-fat path- keep walking it, because it has been shown in studies that being in ketosis, where you burn fat for energy, (ketones instead of glucose) will also inhibit those nasty HDACs. There are even blood meters to indicate ketosis. It starts at 0.7 but you can go up way higher than that. Higher might be better. Consuming that MCT oil in your bulletproof coffee- or even in your salad will also raise Ketones in your blood stream. I told ya- go for the Bulletproof Dietit is just about perfect for us.

What was that other thing again? Thats right. TNF-alpha. Thats a very important signaling molecule abused by cystic tissue to go on building larger and larger cysts. Less TNF-alpha equals less cysts in animal studies. Butyric acid will lower it. Taking Astragalus, which is a fabulous chinese herb with many health benefits, will also lower it. Read up on it, and get yourself some 500mg of standardized extract and take it daily. Another thing you absolutely should do, is get a couple of infrared bulbs and shine them on your kidneys for half an hour every couple of days. why?

Because there has been a study on “Irradiation with Polychromatic Visible and Infrared Light”. Quote:”In three subjects characterized by elevated TNF- level, the content of other pro-inflammatory cytokines dropped 34 times as soon as 0.5 h after the single VIP-irradiation.” 24 hours after light therapy TNF-alpha levels were ZERO.

Thats about as much bang for your buck as you can get. Thats all for today guys and gals- I hope you can gain some insight from this info and most importantly- TAKE ACTION. We have no time to lose to win the battle against this disease. Heal well! regards Yours truly, Felix Müller


I’ve been thinking for a long time now, that LPS (Endotoxin, which is contained in the cell walls of some bacteria) is at the heart of the PKD issue and if we manage to reduce it in the blood we might see huge effects on our kidneys.

Now here are the newly added numbers for LPS in Viome , the popular gut test. My values from 2017, when I was already in good shape, vs 2019 after following the viome recommendations. Clearly, my LPS have lowered. For me, it was taking out of my diet such things as tomatoes and green beans.

It’s different for everyone. We will see how much this stuff evolves in the future. For now, I can only recommend getting a Viome test and following the recommendations. I am not affiliated with them though. Another Option is to take “Megasporebiotic” which has been shown to reduce endotoxin in the blood by around 90% after a meal. Thanks to my friend Sarah for letting me know these numbers are now available and sending me the info on megasporebiotic.
Great stuff!

04 – Getting Your Data

Good morning! Before I continue with sharing the other molecular triggers, I will remind you of something very important. Getting your data. What data? The data on YOUR kidneys.

The next time you visit your nephrologist (maybe you should make an appointment today), get an ultrasound and ask for the following data: – size of each kidney in inches or centimeters – size of one easy-to-spot cyst on each side Be persistent. Your neph might think it is unnecessary work to get these exact measures. For all he knows, there is nothing you can do about it anyway. 😉 He might even say he can not make out where the kidney even is anymore. Be persistent. Tell him you want to track how you are doing and it is important for you to get numbers.

A printout of an easy-to-spot area would be great, too, for comparison next year. The accuracy of ultrasound is not as high as an MRI so take these results with a grain of salt.

So now you have 4 numbers and maybe even a picture. Get your report. And get a printout of all your past reports. take them home and try to understand how fast or slow your kidneys have been growing in the past, so you will know when they are growing slower the next year. (or even shrinking). Your nephrologist has never experienced shrinking PKD kidneys, so it might take a couple of years, once you are in remission, for him to recognize that something is happening.

Half a year, or one year later, visit your nephrologist again and get the same numbers. in fact, make an appointment when you are in his office. Take note of all the changes you are implementing until your next visit, so you will know what worked, and what didn’t work. Report your progress here in a couple of monthsand let’s all see how you are doing! If you apply all the nutrition and supplement principles on this page, you have a great chance of improving your situation. Not perfection, but progress is the key.
Get educated. Be persistent- and heal well!


…and how to instead cycle keto, carbs & fasting and avoid toxins Dear Friends! We have recently been seeing a big uptick in the popularity of keto on the internet, thanks to the release of the Weimbs Lab study on rats. Many people are trying it and are expecting great results just like the rats did. Let me be clear: I do not recommend just doing an ongoing ketogenic diet eating whatever fits the required fat content. I have been on a cyclical, clean, adequate protein, low toxin version of keto thats more specific – and it’s called “bulletproof”. My results in reduction of kidney volume and dramatic increase of GFR were achieved by doing bulletproof. There are some marked differences between the two and I feel the need to address them, because we dont seem to get similar results when people just do “keto”. It’s just not specific enough. Some key differences are: 1. A bulletproof diet omits natural toxins like phytates, oxalates and lectins which can wreak havoc on kidneys, teeth and other organs 2. A bulletproof diet omits toxic oils like safflower, sunflower, rapeseed, canola, etc. which will increase inflammation and thereby decrease GFR. 3. A bulletproof diet incorporates intermittent fasting on most, but not all days. 4. A bulletproof diet incorporates adequate amounts of animal protein from only grass-fed sources like lamb or beef. Adequate means 0.6-1.2g of protein per pound of lean bodymass per day. 5. There is no “Cheat day” on bulletproof. You can have a carb refeed every couple days eating green zone carbs (1-2 per week for men and maybe 3 for women) but there is no regular day for consuming junk food, grains, fried stuff or any other red-zone foods. 6. A bulletproof diet cycles carbohydrates on several days per week. (sweet potatoes/white rice or soaked and pressure cooked lentils) (Since so many comments came in about this, I will elaborate: a ketogenic diet is a therapeutic intervention to reduce the growth of cysts or cancers. That is a good thing. Many people do fine on this for years on end. Some people however, develop HPA axis dysfunction because it is overstressed from constant ketosis, as well as thyroid or sexual hormone dysfunction. I wish this weren’t the case, but it is. Since we have PKD for the rest of our lives, it is not a good idea to run the risk of destroying our hormonal systems. Anyone can decide for themselves to go on continuous keto and it will reduce PKD cysts. However, once hormonal problems arise, that is a sign that the body for whatever reason (probably gut flora or genetics) does need some amount of carbohydrate to function. This happened to me. After about 3 years of relatively strict keto with minimal carb refeeds, I still ran my testosterone into the ground. My doc strongly advised me to include another carb day or two. And that brought my hormones back up. So while you might be able to do continuous keto, once your hormone levels drop, that is bad news for all your organs, including your kidneys. The best of both worlds therefore is to include carbs on 1-3 days per week, depending on your needs. If you want to do continuous keto, thats awesome. Do it. And if it ever stops making you feel great, maybe add a carb day or two. You might actually do better that way since you are gaining metabolic flexibility and keeping your body on its toes. Since you are still doing keto 4-6 days a week, you will still have the benefits for PKD. Carbs aren’t the enemy. They are a tool just like anything else is.) There are many more differences, you can check out this article: If you are not sure about something, post it here. I dont want to see any more drops in GFR that are possibly caused by stressing the body too much with a flawed “keto” diet. Chronik anzeigenZur Gruppe hinzufügenZur Veranstaltung einladen Wird geladen … Erneut versuchen


Many keep asking for specific products and recommendations,so I will now put together a small shopping guide for you this Christmas time. I use all the articles listed here, or similar- and most of them contribute specifically to PKD, but some just contribute to overall health. Lets briefly go through the overview together: The books, of course, are essential if you don’t just want to know WHAT to get, but also WHY. In my opinion, the bulletproof diet is the most comprehensive form of clean keto availableand it contains many details that are important for kidney health. Especially in the area of toxins and antinutrients you can learn a lot here. But also the special emphasis on organic vegetables and pasture raised/grass-fed meat (no, organic is not enough here) is an important point. The two books “Plant Paradox” and “Longevity Paradox” go further into detail on antinutrients and are also quite entertaining.

So lets cover the “basics” of Bulletproof Coffee. This is mold-free coffee mixed with butter and MCT oil. You really have to make sure that everything is prepared without plastic or aluminum, since a particularly large number of substances are dissolved in the water when acidic and fatty or hot substances like coffee are used. You can blend your coffee with a stainless steel hand blender in a large glass mason jaror in a glass blender with a stainless steel plate as the inner bottom. I use the “Magimix Le Blender”. I linked a similar option below. The Coffee is prepared in a glass french press, also linked below. Ingredients: Real Bulletproof “Original” coffee, whole beans, freshly ground, MCT oil from a glass bottle and Kerrygold/ANKER/Organic Valley grass-fed butter. It is a good idea to add a spoonful of grass fed collagen every now and then to the coffee and to meals, to strengthen the connective tissue, which is particularly weak in PKD.

However, this is only done on days when there is no intermittent fasting in the morningbecause the collagen may interrupt this (science is not settled yet) I also linked “Lakanto” below because it is simply the best sugar substitute. It combines Erythritol with monkfruit and tastes like heaven. And its guilt-free. Let’s go over a few basic nutritional supplements: In general, I choose products that are bang-for-buck winners for me considering ingredients and effectiveness. As for the two options on magnesium – malate or magnesium citrate. For later stages more citrate might be warranted, to get rid of microscopic kidney stones, for earlier stages you might like malate, because it charges your krebs cycle (energy production) morewhich leads to more of your own citrate production. (More information about this in the post on citrate)

Vitamin D and K2 are always taken together, and not too little: 1000 IU D3 per 25 lbs body weight per day. Add to that at least 200 mcg of K2 MK7. Fish oil is super important for blood pressure and blood clotting as well as cognitive skills. One gram of EPA + DHA a day in total minimum. Bonus points for more! Some take around 8 grams of total fish oil or even more. A good B complex is mandatory and not everyone can tolerate the standard form, hence the completely coenzymated version linked below.

Turmeric: should not be consumed in the standard form using black pepper as an ingredient, the black pepper affects the intestinal gut lining and lets nasty toxins through with the curcumin it is also always contaminated with mold. Therefore I link to a version without any pepper. For everyone who wants to save a lot of money making their own curcumin mix check out my video on the recipe:

Dr.Mercola’s “Autophagy Tea” gets a special category. This was actually developed as an anti-aging tea, helps with sleepand especially boosts autophagy, i.e. the body’s recycling of damaged cells (e.g. those in cysts). This tea is made in the evening before going to bed:

1 cup of chamomile tea (organic), with
1/2 tl quercetin,
1/2 tl garcinia,
1/2 tl glycine and
1 tl Pau d’arco.
Add some Lakanto to taste if necessary (I find it sweet enough due to the glycine) Some other substances that have a positive effect on PKD because they activate mechanisms of action such as AMPK or block mTOR are:

Ginkgo B.,
Quercetin and

Ubiquinol is the active form of coenzyme Q10 and is generally recommended for kidney problems in order to stimulate the damaged mitochondria (powerhouses of the cell) again. Activated charcoal is a great thing to clean the stomach and intestines of any toxins (and even endotoxins) in the evening (at least 2 hours after each meal) and thus relieve the kidneys. Take some capsules or a tsp to a tbsp in a glass of water. Of course not if you are taking anything else like autophagy tea. 😉 Zinc and copper should always be taken in combination and are fundamentally important minerals that many are missing these days. Hence I linked a combination supplement below. On to some kitchen utensils that serve me very well: – A Glass water kettle with temperature control – better coffee with 90 degrees – and no plastics! – What water?

I choose a strong but affordable under-counter water filter from Aquasana. Does not waste water, but still removes a large part of the medication residues and pollutants, as well as fluoride from the tap water. A reverse osmosis version is available as well. – Kitchen scale – essential for making Bulletproof coffee. Must-have! – Automated cooking: Coffee maker, steamer, halogen oven, instant pot: more nutrients, less work. All plastic-free on the inside. You should really pay attention to this. – Pink Salt – Absolutely essential! Anyone who still uses iodized salt or table salt: throw it out! – Coconut milk without BPA from a carton. No plasticizers, no milk proteins. This one still has potassium sorbate. If you can find an option with carrageenan or gellan or xanthan gum thats in a carton, let me know. – Ceramic pan – just a great item to have. The first coating that really leeches almost nothing into the food.

Conventional non-stick pans, scratched or not, leech fluoride into the food and the air. Not to speak about aluminum pots and pans! Really not good for a limited detoxification system. Finally, a link to a chemical-free soap. I personally do not use any other soaps or shampoos. I also tossed out toothpaste after using an oral probiotic to kill bad bugs in my mouth. Bad breath be gone. Works like a charm. Those who still use toothpaste should at least switch to one of the organic brands like the one below. Dental floss is a must, a stainless steel tongue scraper and an oral irrigator have been with me for a long time and are worth their weight in gold.

I have never had better teeth than now. Another great tip for healthy teeth is regular consumption of bone broth, raw grassfed milk and raw grassfed cheeses. Not everyone tolerates all of these so your results may vary. You may not know this, but teeth can actually heal. Check out the book by ramiel nagel linked below if dental hygiene is a problem area for you. As a bonus: I let a heat lamp shine on my kidneys every morning for at least 10 minutes by sitting with my bare back toward it.

This strengthens mitochondria and mechanistically speaking it should slow down PKD. After that I take a cold shower for at least 60 seconds – this also strengthens the mitochondria. Yes, you can take a warm shower first and do the cold (all the way) afterwards for 30-120 seconds. Try it. It has so many health benefits. The following links to some pages are my personal links. If you buy something, you pay the same, and I get a small cut from Amazon. It is not much, but if I can help you a little with this guide here, you can help me out.

If not, you can just search for the items on Amazon yourself. 😉 Happy Shopping!


Books: Bulletproof Diet Book:
Bulletproof Cookbook:
The Plant Paradox (Learn about Lectins):
The Longevity Paradox (Anti Aging without Lectins):
Cure Tooth Decay:

Plastic-Free Blender:
Glass Water Kettle with temperature control:
French Press Coffee maker (plastic free):
Digital kitchen scale:
Water Filter (Reverse Osmosis):
Water filter (Carbon):
Steamer, BPA-free:
Instant-Pot Pressure Cooker:
Halogen Oven:
Ceramic coated stainless steel pan:

Original Mold-Free Bulletproof Coffee Beans:
C8 C10 MCT
Collagen Powder:
Grass-Fed EPIC Bison Bars for travel:
Grass-Fed Collagen bars for travel:
Lakanto Sweetener:
Himalayan Salt:
Coconut milk, bpa-free:

Ginkgo Biloba:
Betaine HCL:
Activated Charcoal (regular):
Coconut Charcoal (even cleaner):
Coenzyme Vitamin B-Complex:
Ubiquinol (Coenzym Q10):
Zinc&Copper balanced:
Omega-3 Fish Oil:
Vitamin D3&K2 Oil:
Super Bioavailable Curcumin:
Magnesium Malate:

Ginkgo Biloba:
Betaine HCL:
Coenzyme Vitamin B-Complex:
Ubiquinol (CoQ10):
Zinc&Copper balanced:
Omega-3 Fish Oil:
Magnesium Malate:
Magnesium Malate alternative:
Vitamin D3&K2 Oil:
Super Bioavailable Curcumin:
BHB – Ketone Ester:
Oral Probiotic:
Whole Food Vitamin C:
Essential Amino Acids:

Supplements (Powders):

Autophagy Tea
Garcinia 70% HCA:
Pau d’arco:
Chamomile Powder:
Glycine Powder:
Quercetin Powder:
Magnesium Citrate:
Potassium Citrate (dose correctly & with caution, overdose can be fatal):
Calcium Carbonate (To add to oxalate-containing meals)

Ultraclean Olive oil based soap bar:
Tongue scraper:

Red Light Therapy
Simple Near Infrared Heatlamp:
LED Light panel: