HEALING Polycystic kidney disease one bite at a time.


…and how to instead cycle keto, carbs & fasting and avoid toxins Dear Friends! We have recently been seeing a big uptick in the popularity of keto on the internet, thanks to the release of the Weimbs Lab study on rats. Many people are trying it and are expecting great results just like the rats did. Let me be clear: I do not recommend just doing an ongoing ketogenic diet eating whatever fits the required fat content. I have been on a cyclical, clean, adequate protein, low toxin version of keto thats more specific – and it’s called “bulletproof”. My results in reduction of kidney volume and dramatic increase of GFR were achieved by doing bulletproof. There are some marked differences between the two and I feel the need to address them, because we dont seem to get similar results when people just do “keto”. It’s just not specific enough. Some key differences are: 1. A bulletproof diet omits natural toxins like phytates, oxalates and lectins which can wreak havoc on kidneys, teeth and other organs 2. A bulletproof diet omits toxic oils like safflower, sunflower, rapeseed, canola, etc. which will increase inflammation and thereby decrease GFR. 3. A bulletproof diet incorporates intermittent fasting on most, but not all days. 4. A bulletproof diet incorporates adequate amounts of animal protein from only grass-fed sources like lamb or beef. Adequate means 0.6-1.2g of protein per pound of lean bodymass per day. 5. There is no “Cheat day” on bulletproof. You can have a carb refeed every couple days eating green zone carbs (1-2 per week for men and maybe 3 for women) but there is no regular day for consuming junk food, grains, fried stuff or any other red-zone foods. 6. A bulletproof diet cycles carbohydrates on several days per week. (sweet potatoes/white rice or soaked and pressure cooked lentils) (Since so many comments came in about this, I will elaborate: a ketogenic diet is a therapeutic intervention to reduce the growth of cysts or cancers. That is a good thing. Many people do fine on this for years on end. Some people however, develop HPA axis dysfunction because it is overstressed from constant ketosis, as well as thyroid or sexual hormone dysfunction. I wish this weren’t the case, but it is. Since we have PKD for the rest of our lives, it is not a good idea to run the risk of destroying our hormonal systems. Anyone can decide for themselves to go on continuous keto and it will reduce PKD cysts. However, once hormonal problems arise, that is a sign that the body for whatever reason (probably gut flora or genetics) does need some amount of carbohydrate to function. This happened to me. After about 3 years of relatively strict keto with minimal carb refeeds, I still ran my testosterone into the ground. My doc strongly advised me to include another carb day or two. And that brought my hormones back up. So while you might be able to do continuous keto, once your hormone levels drop, that is bad news for all your organs, including your kidneys. The best of both worlds therefore is to include carbs on 1-3 days per week, depending on your needs. If you want to do continuous keto, thats awesome. Do it. And if it ever stops making you feel great, maybe add a carb day or two. You might actually do better that way since you are gaining metabolic flexibility and keeping your body on its toes. Since you are still doing keto 4-6 days a week, you will still have the benefits for PKD. Carbs aren’t the enemy. They are a tool just like anything else is.) There are many more differences, you can check out this article: If you are not sure about something, post it here. I dont want to see any more drops in GFR that are possibly caused by stressing the body too much with a flawed “keto” diet. Chronik anzeigenZur Gruppe hinzufügenZur Veranstaltung einladen Wird geladen … Erneut versuchen